HKAEE Schemes

Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)

Aims and Eligibility


The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) aims to:

  • encourage companies and organisations to adopt green management;
  • benchmark their performance with the best practices within their sectors; and
  • recognise the achievements of the best-performing companies and organisations.


All organisations and their key management / operation functions in Hong Kong are generally eligible to apply for the HKAEE, with reference to their core business fulfilling the definition of respective sector(s). Functional units within an organisation can enter the same or separate sectors but each functional unit is limited to enter into one sector only. If an organisation has multiple functional units intending to join the same sector, each functional unit should demonstrate that it has its own environmental initiatives within its operation before being considered admissible to the HKAEE.

To encourage wider participation, the Gold Awardee of each sector / sub-sector of the previous year will not be eligible for the HKAEE within next two years. In other words, Gold Awardees of 2022 and 2023 is not eligible to participate in the 2024 HKAEE, and Gold Award winners of 2024 HKAEE will not be eligible for entering 2025 and 2026 HKAEE.

The Organisers reserve the right to determine the eligibility of any applicant.


In 2024, there are 11 sectors designated for large organisations and 5 sectors designated for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)@.

The 11 Sectors for non-SMEs are:

  1. Construction Industry *;
  2. Environmental Industry;
  3. Hotels and Recreational Clubs;
  4. Manufacturing and Industrial Services ^;
  5. Property Management (Commercial & Industrial (C&I) / Residential);
  6. Public and Community Services;
  7. Restaurants;
  8. Schools (Pre-school / Primary / Secondary);
  9. Servicing and Trading#;
  10. Shops and Retailers; and
  11. Transport and Logistics.

The 5 Sectors for SMEs are:

  1. Construction, Manufacturing and Industrial Services ^;
  2. Environmental Industry;
  3. Servicing Industry;
  4. Shops and Retailers; and
  5. Trading

@ Under the HKAEE, an SME is an organisation that (i) meets the definition of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) adopted by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; ii) has substantive business operation in Hong Kong; and (iii) its parent company or its affiliated company (if applicable) or itself should not be a listed company (ownership of a 50% of interest or more will be classified as an affiliated company).

An SME under the definition of HKSAR Government is a manufacturing business which employs fewer than 100 persons in Hong Kong; or a non-manufacturing business which employs fewer than 50 persons in Hong Kong. The “number of persons employed” include individual proprietors, partners and shareholders actively engaged in the work of the organisation; and salaried employees of the organisation, including full-time or part-time salaried personnel directly paid by the organisation, both permanent and temporary, at the time of submitting applications.

* The nominated construction project(s) should have at least one-third of the project work completed (according to the contract period) at the time of assessment.

^ Hong Kong based companies with their factories in the Greater Bay Area will also be eligible to join the HKAEE under the Manufacturing and Industrial Services Sector (for non-SMEs), or Construction, Manufacturing and Industrial Services Sector (for SMEs).

The Organisers reserve the right to determine the eligibility of any applicant.

Winners will be selected from a rigorous assessment process comprising three stages:

Stage 1 - Initial Assessment

Upon receipt of the application form, eligible applicants will be invited to submit detailed information on their green policies and practices as well as environmental achievements via an online questionnaire. All information submitted by the applicants will be reviewed according to the assessment criteria of the awards. The Organisers may request additional documents for the purpose of information verification. The Organisers will then select applicants for detailed assessment in Stage 2.

All eligible applicants who have completed Stage 1 assessment and yet do not receive any award will receive a Participation Certificate after the completion of all assessment processes.

Stage 2 - Detailed Assessment

Organisations selected for detailed assessment will be visited by a team of assessors. The visit will include a tour of applicant’s facilities and interviews with key representatives of the organisation including top management, department heads and general staff. The applicants should arrange the necessary permits and transportation between the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border and the premises in Mainland China, if necessary, for the assessment visit. During the site visit, applicants are encouraged to introduce their environmental performance to the assessors to provide them with an in-depth understanding of their environmental initiatives and the status of implementation.

The assessors will then prepare the assessment reports for submission to the Organisers for further short-listing into the final adjudication in Stage 3.

Applicants successfully completing Stage 2 assessment will receive a complimentary report on their environmental performance. The report will outline the organisation’s strengths and highlight areas where improvements in environmental management could be made.

Stage 3 - Final Assessment

Adjudicating Panels will review the environmental performance of applicants. During the final assessment phase, the Adjudicating Panels may invite candidates to further present their achievements in a meeting. Each Adjudicating Panel will comprise representatives from various trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and the like.

The assessment criteria for the HKAEE are based on the well-established “Eco-Business Model”. This model is designed to exemplify the strong relationship between the internal operation of a business and the surrounding environment. The key factors, including Green Leadership, Programme and Performance and Partner Synergy, are generally considered to be vital in the overall integration of environmental measures within an organisation.

Green Leadership

Green leadership refers to the level of commitment demonstrated by an organisation’s senior management in the pursuit of environmental objectives within the organisation and the commitment of managers and staff to the implementation of environmental initiatives. Indicators to be reviewed include the types of environmental programmes established by management, the amount of training provided and resources used for the programmes, the degree of staff involvement in carrying out programme tasks, and the manner in which programme progress is monitored for continual improvement.

Programme and Performance

This aspect evaluates the accomplishments achieved by organisations when carrying out their environmental programmes. Environmental measures undertaken during the daily operations of the organisation will be evaluated for effectiveness. The scope of evaluation includes the extent to which an organisation has complied with environmental regulations, conserved energy and water, reduced / reused / recycled waste material, as well as improved environmental qualities such as noise control, ambient and indoor air quality.

Partner Synergy

Partner synergy looks at how an organisation explores opportunities to inform and influence suppliers and contractors about the importance of environmental management and encourage them to adopt their own environmental strategies in their individual operations. The extent to which the organisation participates in environmental education for its customers and the general community is also relevant.

 Green LeadershipProgramme and
Partner Synergy
The 11 Sectors for non-SMEs   
Construction Industry25%55%20%
Environmental Industry25%45%30%
Hotels and Recreational Clubs25%45%30%
Manufacturing and Industrial Services25%55%20%
Property Management25%45%30%
Public and Community Services25%45%30%
Servicing and Trading25%45%30%
Shops and Retailers25%45%30%
Transport and Logistics25%55%20%
The 5 Sectors for SMEs   
Construction, Manufacturing and Industrial Services25%55%20%
Environmental Industry25%45%30%
Servicing Industry25%45%30%
Shops and Retailers25%45%30%

In order to recognise applicants’ efforts to promote the HKAEE as well as their achievements in the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC) and other recognised certification or award schemes, a maximum of 10 bonus points will be given to the applicants during Stage 2 assessment of the HKAEE, as follows:

Bonus Points Awarded for Efforts in promoting HKAEE (maximum 3 bonus points)

  • Applicants who have promoted HKAEE through their business / school network and / or promotional channels / platforms (e.g. display the awarded logos and stickers in premises, website, and electronic screens, etc.; imprint the awarded logo in name cards, letterhead; and publish featured articles through media) will earn a maximum of 1 bonus point.
  • Applicants who have successfully referred their business / school partners (e.g. suppliers) to join the HKAEE will earn a maximum of 2 bonus points.

Applicants who have promoted HKAEE through their business / school network and successfully referred their business / school partners may also be awarded with the title of “Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner” if they have fulfilled certain criteria, please refer to "Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme" for details.

Bonus Points Awarded for Efforts in Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC) (maximum 4 bonus points)

  • Applicants who possess a valid Wastewi$e / Energywi$e / IAQwi$e / Carbon Reduction Certificate / recognition of Hong Kong Green Organisation will earn 1 bonus point per Certificate.

Bonus Points Awarded for Efforts in Other Schemes (maximum 3 bonus points) [Except Schools Sector]

  • Applicants who possess a valid certificate from environmental schemes such as ISO 14001, ISO 20121, ISO 50001, IECQ HSPM QC 080000, Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners (Manufacturing) Recognition Scheme, Hong Kong Green Mark Certification Scheme, WWF-Hong Kong’s Low-carbon Operation Programme (LOOPPLUS) and Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP), CLP Smart Energy Award, WGO's Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS), FHKI's BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards, BEAM Plus New Buildings / BEAM Plus Existing Buildings / BEAM Plus Interiors, Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award, EEB's Charter on External Lighting or other schemes recognised by the Organisers will earn 1 bonus point. The Organisers reserve the right to grant bonus points to any applicants.

Bonus Points Awarded for Efforts in Other Schemes (maximum 3 bonus points)[Applicable for the Schools Sector]

If schools have participated in and possessed documentary proof / a valid certificate from the following schemes in the 2023/24 school year, 1 bonus point per scheme will be granted: ECC’s Green Prefect Programme and Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme, Council for Sustainable Development’s Sustainable Development School Award Programme (including SD Participation Award and SD Community Project Award), Water Supplies Department’s “Cherish Water Campus” Integrated Education Programme, Environmental Protection Department’s We-recycle@School and IAQ Certification Scheme, Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s Schemes (including Greening School Subsidy Scheme / “One Person, One Flower” Scheme / Planting Herbs in School Scheme), Business Environment Council’s Jockey Club Energy Saver in Schools Project, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited’s Green Elites Campus Accreditation Programme; Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited’s “Green Rating” under BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 1.0 and The Hongkong Electric Company’s “Happy Green Schools” Label Programme.

*Note :

  1. HKGOC consists of four Certificates, namely “Wastewi$e Certificate”, “Energywi$e Certificate”, “IAQwi$e Certificate” and “Carbon Reduction Certificate”. Participants can further obtain the recognition of “Hong Kong Green Organisation” by demonstrating the environmental practices in multiple aspects. Please refer to the HKGOC programme booklet for details.
  2. ISO 14001 is an environmental management system standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.
  3. ISO 20121 is an event sustainability management system standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.
  4. ISO 50001 is an energy management system standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.
  5. IECQ HSPM QC 080000 is a standard on hazardous substances process management published by the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components.
  6. Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners (Manufacturing) Recognition Scheme is jointly operated by the Environment and Ecology Bureau of the Government of the HKSAR and the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province.
  7. Hong Kong Green Mark Certification Scheme is a system certification scheme operated by the Hong Kong Q-Mark Council, Federation of the Hong Kong Industries.
  8. Low-carbon Operation Programme and Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme are schemes operated by WWF-Hong Kong. The bonus point will only be granted to applicants in applicable Sectors for their operations in Hong Kong or Greater Bay Area (only applicable to Manufacturing and Industrial Services sector (for non-SMEs) or Construction Manufacturing and Industrial Services sector (for SMEs)) .
  9. CLP Smart Energy Award is organised by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited which aims to recognise organisations who have implemented energy conservation measures and achieved outstanding energy saving results.
  10. Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS) is a recognition scheme for offices organised by the World Green Organisation (WGO).
  11. BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards is organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries aiming to promote environmental practices among the manufacturing and services enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.
  12. BEAM Plus is an independent assessment of building sustainability performance. It is certified by Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) while the assessment is handled by the BEAM Society Limited.
  13. Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award is organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, which aims to foster green shopping environment in Hong Kong. Only winners of the main awards, i.e. “Best Green Practice in Malls”, “Best Green Practice in Shops” and “Best Collaborative Effort of Malls and Shops” can earn bonus point in HKAEE.
  14. Charter on External Lighting is a voluntary scheme implemented by EEB to invite owners and responsible persons of external lighting installations to switch off lighting installations of decorative, promotional or advertising purposes which affect the outdoor environment during the preset time (i.e. 10 p.m., 11 p.m. or midnight to 7 a.m. on the following day) to foster a better nighttime environment, which is conducive for the public to rest and energy saving.
  15. The presentation of the award to any winning organisation is still subject to further consideration of prosecutions for or convictions of non-compliance with environmental regulations, if any, before the date of the Presentation Ceremony.

(Application Deadline: 31 December 2021)

Please complete and submit the below online application form.

Please select one of the following sectors:

Non-SME sectors

Construction Industry 
Construction period from :   to
The nominated construction project(s) should have at least one-third of the project work completed (according to the contract period) at the time of assessment.
Contract Number : 
Hotels and Recreational Clubs
Manufacturing and Industrial Services
Hong Kong based companies with their factories in Greater Bay Area will also be eligible to join the HKAEE under this sector.
Media and Communication
Property Management (Commercial & Industrial)
Property Management (Residential)
Public and Community Services
Schools  (Pre-school) #
Schools  (Primary) #
Schools  (Secondary) #
#Schools applying for more than one school category will have to submit separate application.
Servicing and Trading
Shops and Retailers
Transport and Logistics

SME sectors^

Construction, Manufacturing and Industrial Services
Hong Kong based companies with their factories in Greater Bay Area will also be eligible to join the HKAEE under this sector.
Servicing Industry
Shops and Retailers
  ^Remark: Under the HKAEE, an SME is an organisation that (i) meets the definition of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) adopted by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (ii) has substantive business operation in Hong Kong; and (iii) its parent company (if applicable) or itself should not be a listed company.

An SME under the definition of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a manufacturing business which employs fewer than 100 persons in Hong Kong; or a non-manufacturing business which employs fewer than 50 persons in Hong Kong.  The "number of persons employed" include individual proprietors, partners and shareholders actively engaged in the work of the organisation; and salaried employees of the organisation, including full-time or part-time salaried personnel directly paid by the organisation, both permanent and temporary, at the time of submitting applications.

The Organisers reserve the right to determine the eligibility of any applicant.

Part One: Organisation Profile

* Must be filled in.

Name of Organisation (holding a valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate or other legal entities) / Name of School (as shown on Certificate of Registration of School)

in English*:

in Chinese*:


Description of Core Business*:

(For Schools Sector, please fill in N/A)
Name of Functional Unit / Construction Project / Factory, if applicable:

in English:

in Chinese:


Name of Parent Company, if applicable:

in English:

in Chinese:


Number of Employees (under the Business Registration of the applicant organisation)/ Number of Teaching and Non-teaching Staff (for Schools Sector):

Hong Kong*:

(Full time)*:

(Part time)*:

Parent Company:

(Full time) :

(Part time) :

Greater Bay Area: (For Manufacturing only)

(Full time) :

(Part time) :

Is your company or its parent company (if applicable) listed company?
Yes  No

Part Two: Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme 

If your company is interested in joining the "Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme", please click here for more details and click here to apply online.

Part Three: Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme 

If the employees of your company are interested in joining the "Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme", please click here for more details and click here to apply online.

Part Four: HKAEE Experience Sharing Webinars

If the employees of your company are interested in joining the HKAEE Experience Sharing Webinars, please click here for online registration.

Part Five: For Schools Sector Only

The school would like to apply for (Please put a tick in the box(es) as appropriate) :

HKAEE (Facilitator Support Note)
Special Award 1 - Green Neighbourhood and Community Award
Special Award 2 - Best Green Education Initiative Award

Note: Schools that have participated in the 2021 HKAEE can apply for Facilitator Support.  Facilitators will be allocated to schools to provide extra guidance and advice for one school year.

Part Six: Contact Details and Declaration

Please provide the following information about the contact person of your organisation:

Name of Contact Person*:




Postal Address:

How do you learn about the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence? (Can select more than one)

Mass media (e.g. TV and newspaper)
Social Media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram)
Roving exhibitions
Through the Technical Consultant
Referral from another company / organisation (Please specify the name of the company / organisation):
Posters or advertisement 
Official website or eDMs
Experience Sharing Seminars held by the Organiser
Through participation in Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) or Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC)
Through commerce chambers / trade associations (Please specify name of chamber / association)
Education Bureau Circular Memorandum
Others (Please specify):


Verify Code

Please enter the letters below:

Please read the points to note and declaration below before submitting an application.


Please immediately call the HKAEE hotline Tel: 2788 5903 if no acknowledgement of application is received within 7 working days from the date of application.

The HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy.  You may contact HKPC's Personal Data Controlling Officer for further details.  You have the right to request access to, and amend your personal data in relation to your application.  If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to: The personal data collected will be erased or destroyed 24 months after the completion of the assessment of HKAEE each year.

The Technical Consultant for HKAEE Schools Sector (WWF-Hong Kong) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and secure. For the full version of WWF-Hong Kong’s Privacy Policy, please visit this website: If you wish to request access to or amend any of your personal information, you can simply call the service hotline at 2526 1011 or send an email to or write to WWF-Hong Kong at 15/F, Manhattan Centre, 8 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, NT.


I hereby declare that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and agree that all decisions made by the Organisers (i.e. Environmental Protection Department and Environmental Campaign Committee and its Secretariat) and adjudicating panel(s) are final and binding in all aspects relating to the HKAEE. I understand that any false or misleading information may lead to disqualification of my application.

I agree that personal data (including name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) provided by me will be used for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management of my application.  I understand if I cannot provide the relevant personal data, processing of my application by the Organisers and the Technical Consultant may be affected.

The HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) intends to use the personal data  (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, consultancy services, events and training courses of HKPC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

  I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by HKAEE Technical Consultant (HKPC).

[Applicable to schools sector applicants only] Your personal information (including your name, email addresses and telephone number) may be used by the Technical Consultant for HKAEE Schools Sector (WWF-Hong Kong) for the purposes of sending you organisational updates, surveys, event invitations and other marketing communications. You may opt out of receiving communications from WWF-Hong Kong at any time free of charge. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

   I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the Technical Consultant for HKAEE School Sector (WWF-Hong Kong).

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and/or the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and its Secretariat also intend to use the personal data (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, policies, activities and schemes of the EPD and /or the ECC.  Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

  I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the EPD and/or the ECC and its Secretariat.

Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA)

Aims and Eligibility


The Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards aims to:

  • encourage organisations to develop innovative, green and practicable ideas into equipment or systems to solve environmental problems or improve environmental performance, resulting in real benefits to the environment.


All Hong Kong organisations, or their functional units which have implemented a green innovation and involve in adoption of an idea and developing it to fruition to create environmental value are eligible to apply for the HKGIA. In this context, the term "green innovation" refers to any change that increases or enhances environmental benefits in a significantly ingenious manner.

An applicant organisation may submit more than one green innovation entry for competition. Each entry should constitute one green innovation with proven success in terms of measurable improvement to environmental benefits and should be a current and reasonably recent initiative which, as a guideline, should not exceed three years since its full-scale implementation. It must not merely be an idea that has merit and may be successful in the future, or a green innovation brought or directly taken from a third party without any modification or enhancement made by the applicant. The entry should also show proven success in terms of measurable improvement to the environment (e.g. energy conservation, waste management, air quality improvement, water management, noise reduction, etc.).

The Organisers reserve the right to decide whether an application meets the eligibility requirement.


HKGIA Assessment Procedures

Winners will be selected from a rigorous assessment process that comprises two stages:

Stage of Detailed Assessment

Upon receipt of the application form, a questionnaire will be sent to the applicants for collecting detailed information if the entry is considered initially eligible under the scheme.  Applicants will also be required to present the entry to a team of assessors so that the team may obtain first-hand details about the entry, including its purpose and environmental performance.  All information submitted by the applicant and/or examined during this Stage will be reviewed according to the assessment criteria of the awards.  The Organisers will then select from the competing entries for final assessment in the next Stage.

All eligible applicants who have completed Stage of Detailed Assessment and yet do not receive any award will receive a Participation Certificate after completion of all assessment processes.

Stage of Final Assessment

An Adjudicating Panel will be formed to review the entries.  During the final assessment stage, the Adjudicating Panel may invite candidates to further present the achievements of their entries in a meeting.  The Adjudicating Panel will comprise representatives from various trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and the like.

Assessment Criteria for Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards

The assessment will be made on the following three criteria, each of which will have several component aspects designed to gauge the performance of the competing entries under each criterion.

Level of Innovation 

  • Existence and recentness of innovative elements
  • Degree of originality

Environmental Achievements 

  • Measurable improvement to the environment
  • Ability to generate benefits to multiple environmental aspects
  • Accreditations or external stakeholder acknowledgements obtained

Practicability and Contribution to Environment 

  • Applicability in multiple areas
  • Level of cost-effectiveness
  • Efforts in creating awareness amongst the business community or general public

Weightings of the Assessment Criteria

Level of Innovation : 40%
Environmental Achievements : 30%
Practicability and Contribution to Environment : 30%



(Application Deadline: 31 December 2021)

Submit your application NOW by filling the following Online Application Form.

Part One: Organisation Profile

* Must be filled in.

Name of Organisation (holding a valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate or other legal entities)

in English* :

in Chinese* :

Address* :

Telephone* :

Email* :

Website :

Number of employees (under the Business Registration of the applicant organisation):
Hong Kong*

(Full time)*:

(Part time)*:

Parent Company

(Full time):

(Part time) :

Is your company or its parent company (if applicable) listed company?
Yes  No

Year of establishment of company* 


Part Two: Details of the Entry submitted for HKGIA*

 (a) Title of the green innovative entry*

(b) Date of completion / commencement of full-scale implementation / ready for the market*
(c) How is the entry developed by your company?*
 invented by your company
 collaborated with partner(s) 
(Please specify the name of the partner(s):

 brought or taken from a third party with modification or enhancement
(d) What is your involvement / contribution of your company in the development of the innovative entry?*

(e) Has the entry obtained any patent?*
No     Application in progress (Please provide the relevant document)
Yes  (please provide a copy of patent document and the patent number)

(f) Please describe your entry and provide details about its major features, including major differences from existing similar products / methods / systems adopted in the market.*
^(Please keep the information for this question within 300 words. You may attach supplementary information such as photo, leaflet, schematic diagram, etc.)

(g) Please specify the environmental benefit of the entry:*
 Energy Conservation
 Waste Management
 Air Quality Improvement
 Water Management
Noise Reduction
Please elaborate and/or quantify the environmental performance of your entry:

(h) Does this entry exhibit any eco-antipandemic achievements? If yes, please specify:

Part Three: Contact Details and Declaration

Please provide the following information about the contact person of your organisation.


Name of Contact Person* :

Designation* :

Telephone* :

E-mail* :

How do you learn about Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards? (can select more than one)
Mass media (e.g. TV and newspaper)
Social Media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram)
Roving exhibitions
Through the Technical Consultant
Referral from another company / organisation  (Please specify the name of the company / organisation)
Posters or advertisement
Official website or eDMs
Experience Sharing Seminars held by the Organiser
Through participation in Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) or Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC)
Through commerce chambers / trade associations (Please specify name of chamber / association)
Others (Please specify) 


Verify Code

Please enter the letters below:

Please read the points to note and declaration below before submitting an application.

Please immediately call the HKGIA hotline Tel: 2788 5903 if no acknowledgement of application is received within 7 working days from the date of application.

The HKGIA Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy.  You may contact HKPC's Personal Data Controlling Officer for further details.  You have the right to request access to, and amend your personal data in relation to your application.  If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to: The personal data collected will be erased or destroyed 24 months after the completion of the assessment of HKAEE each year. 


I hereby declare that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and agree that all decisions made by the Organisers (i.e. Environmental Protection Department and Environmental Campaign Committee and its Secretariat) and adjudicating panel are final and binding in all aspects relating to the HKGIA.  I understand that any false or misleading information may lead to disqualification of my application.

I agree that personal data (including name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) provided by me will be used for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management of my application.  I understand if I cannot provide the relevant personal data, processing of my application by the Organisers and the Technical Consultant may be affected.

The HKGIA Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) intends to use the personal data (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, consultancy services, events and training courses of HKPC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

 I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the HKGIA Technical Consultant (HKPC).

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and/or the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and its Secretariat also intend to use the personal data (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, policies, activities and schemes of the EPD and /or the ECC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

  I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the EPD and/or the ECC and its Secretariat.            

Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme (OGACS)

Aims and Eligibility


The Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme (OGACS) (the Commendation Scheme) continues to be organised under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) to recognise the contributions of outstanding employees for their strong commitment, dedicated efforts as well as exceptional performance and enthusiasm in driving environmental enhancement within their respective organisations or functional units and for the community. It also helps promote a green culture in the workplace and encourage more employees to go an extra mile in their environmental endeavours. To echo the Government's target for Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the emphasis this year continues to be on the individual's achievements in reducing carbon emissions in his/her organisation including the development and application of innovative ideas and technologies and promoting a low carbon lifestyle for the organisation and its stakeholders with a view to instigating behavioural changes.


  • At the time of application and during assessment, the applicant(s) must –
    (i) be employed under the same company / organisation or functional unit; and
    (ii) NOT be the owner* of his / her company / organisation or functional unit.
  • The applicant(s) must with the support from his / her respective company / organisation or functional unit for his / her participation in the Commendation Scheme; and
  • His / her respective company / organisation or functional unit should also participate in 2024 HKAEE and successfully accomplish Stage 1 Assessment (except for 2022 and 2023 HKAEE Gold Awardees).
  • There is no restriction on the number of applications to be supported by each company / organisation or functional unit.

* Examples of “owners” include but not limit to direct and/or indirect shareholders of the respective company, except for scenarios in which shares are distributed to employees as company bonus / award, and/ or shares are obtained by employees due to their employment status with the company.


Award winners of the Commendation Scheme –

  1. will be presented with a trophy and/or a certificate; and
  2. may be invited to share their achievements and experience in public events.

To recognise the efforts of applicants, Certificate of Appreciation will also be issued to eligible applicants who have completed the Stage of Initial Assessment but are not selected to receive any awards. The respective organisations/functional units of applicant(s) who have completed the Stage of Initial Assessment will also be presented with Certificate of Appreciation.


OGACS Assessment Procedures

The assessment process consists of two stages, including (i) Initial Assessment and (ii) Final Adjudication –

Stage of Initial Assessment

Upon receipt of the application form, a questionnaire will be sent to the eligible applicants for collecting detailed information. The Consultant will conduct on-site/phone interviews with the applicants with reference to information submitted by the applicants and rate their performance according to a comprehensive and rigorous scoring system. The Consultant might also approach the applicants' direct supervisors and peers/subordinates (if applicable) to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the applicants' achievements. Outstanding candidates will then be shortlisted for Final Adjudication.

Stage of Final Adjudication

During the final adjudication stage, shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their achievements to the panel members. The panel will assess the candidates and decide on the final results with reference to the assessment reports prepared by the Consultant. The Final Adjudicating Panel will comprise representatives from various trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and the like.



  • The applicant attaches high importance to carbon neutrality and/or other environmental issues, has clear goals and objectives to alleviate environmental problems;
  • The applicant exhibits enthusiasm in creating a green corporate culture and/or striving towards carbon neutrality; and
  • The applicant always goes the extra mile by going beyond his/her job duties and making additional efforts to mitigate carbon emissions and/or other environmental impacts within the community.


  • The applicant takes pro-active actions in addressing climate change impacts; and
  • The applicant always makes use of his/her environmental skills and/or knowledge/experience to enable impactful achievement in carbon reduction/environmental conservation of his/her organisation and/or the community.


  • The applicant actively engages their peers, partners and other stakeholders with use of his/her personal or business networks to promote low carbon culture and/or driving environmental enhancement within the community; and
  • The applicant demonstrates ability to drive environmental enhancement by transferring his/her professional knowledge and experience to other stakeholders.


  • The applicant applies his/her innovative ideas to create environmental values in the community; and
  • The applicant puts forth innovative proposals that could lead to transformational and replicable measure to progress towards environmental conversation and/or carbon neutrality.



(Application Deadline: 31 December 2021)

Must be filled in.

Part One: Information of the Applicant's Organisation

Name of Organisation

in English* :

in Chinese* :

Name of functional unit (if applicable)

in English :

in Chinese :

Has your organisation applied 2021 HKAEE?

The sector which your organisation has enrolled in 2021 HKAEE:
  Not applicable (for 2019 & 2020 HKAEE Gold Awardees)

Part Two: Information of the Applicant

(The applicant(s) MUST be employed under the same organisation at the time of application and during assessment. He / she should NOT be the owner of the organisation. Applicant's respective organisation should also participate in 2021 HKAEE and successfully accomplish Stage 1 Assessment (except for 2019 and 2020 HKAEE Gold Awardees). The applicant(s) MUST seek consent from his/her respective organisation for his/her participation in the Commendation Scheme.)

(Applicants may be requested to show their personal identification documents before the presentation for verification of personal data)

Candidate 1

(a) Name
in English* :


Given Name

in Chinese* :



if you do not have a chinese name, please put N/A in the field
(b) Designation

in English* :

in Chinese :

(c) Telephone number

Office* :

Mobile :

(d) Email Address :


Candidate 2 (if applicable)

(a) Name
in English :


Given Name

in Chinese* :



if you do not have a chinese name, please put N/A in the field
(b) Designation

in English :

in Chinese :

(c) Telephone number

Office :

Mobile :

(d) Email Address :


Candidate 3 (if applicable)

(a) Name
in English :


Given Name

in Chinese* :



if you do not have a chinese name, please put N/A in the field
(b) Designation

in English :

in Chinese :

(c) Telephone number

Office :

Mobile :

(d) Email Address :


Part Three: Information of the Contact Person

Name of contact person* :

Designation* :

Telephone number* :

Email address* :


Part Four: Declaration*

I hereby declare that the applicant(s) has/have obtained the consent from the employing organisation / functional unit for participating in the commendation scheme and confirm that the applicant(s) is/are not the owner of the organisation.
How do you learn about the Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme? (Can select more than one)
Mass media (e.g. TV and newspaper)
Social Media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram)
Roving exhibitions
Through the Technical Consultant
Referral from another company / organisation (Please specify the name of the company / organisation):
Posters or advertisement 
Official website or eDMs
Experience Sharing Seminars held by the Organiser
Through participation in Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) or Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC)
Through commerce chambers / trade associations (Please specify name of chamber / association)
Others (Please specify):


Verify Code

Please enter the letters below:

Please read the points to note and declaration below before submitting an application.


Please immediately call the HKAEE hotline Tel: 2788 5903 if no acknowledgement of application is received within 7 working days from the date of application.

The HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy.  You may contact HKPC's Personal Data Controlling Officer for further details.  You have the right to request access to, and amend your personal data in relation to your application.  If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to: The personal data collected will be erased or destroyed 24 months after the completion of the assessment of HKAEE each year. 


I hereby declare that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and agree that all decisions made by the Organisers (i.e. Environmental Protection Department and Environmental Campaign Committee and its Secretariat) and adjudicating panel(s) are final and binding in all aspects relating to the HKAEE. I understand that any false or misleading information may lead to disqualification of my application.

I agree that personal data (including name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) provided by me will be used for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management of my application.  I understand if I cannot provide the relevant personal data, processing of my application by the Organisers and the Technical Consultant may be affected.

The HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) intends to use the personal data  (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, consultancy services, events and training courses of HKPC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

  I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by HKAEE Technical Consultant (HKPC).

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and/or the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and its Secretariat also intend to use the personal data (including your name, phone number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, policies, activities and schemes of the EPD and /or the ECC.  Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below -

  I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the EPD and/or the ECC and its Secretariat.

Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme (OPPCS)

Aims and Eligibility


“Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme” (hereafter referred to as the Commendation Scheme) aims to recognise organisations that put in great efforts to help promote the HKAEE to their business partners and other stakeholders.

Companies, organisations or their individual functional units that participated in 2024 HKAEE and completed Stage 1 Assessment can obtain: the title of “Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner” if they fulfill requirement (1) and (2a) as listed below; or the title of “Excellent HKAEE Promotional Partner” if they fulfill requirement (1) and (2b) as listed below.

1. Assisting in Scheme Promotion

Successfully assisted in the promotion of the HKAEE and HKGIA through their business network and / or other promotional channels / platforms (at least three channels):

  • Company / Organisation Mobile Application
  • Company / Organisation Website
  • Corporate Publication
  • Social Media
  • Activities for External Parties
  • Email
  • Large display screens / advertising panels in shopping malls
  • Electronic screens at the external wall / lift lobby of buildings
  • Displaying HKAEE posters in public area within the company / organisation
  • Distributing relevant leaflets / flyers (printed or electronic version) to the public / visitors / business partners
  • Offering free venue for HKAEE roving exhibition
  • Other promotional activities accepted by the Organiser

2. Referring Business Partners or Other Companies to Participate in the 2024 HKAEE

2a. Successfully referred at least four of their business partners (e.g. suppliers or contractors) to join 2024 HKAEE and with their business partners successfully completed Stage 1 assessment (to be conducted in 1st quarter of 2025). There should not be any affiliation between the organisation doing the referral and the organisations being referred. Examples include parent company and its subsidiaries or companies under the same business group, etc.

2b. Successfully referred three of their business partners (e.g. suppliers or contractors) to join 2024 HKAEE and with their business partners successfully completed Stage 1 assessment (to be conducted in 1st quarter of 2025). There should not be any affiliation between the organisation doing the referral and the organisations being referred. Examples include parent company and its subsidiaries or companies under the same business group, etc.


  • Participating companies / organisations have to enroll into 2024 HKAEE first and successfully accomplished Stage 1 Assessment (to be conducted in 1st quarter of 2025).
  • 2022 and 2023 HKAEE Gold Awardees are only required to fulfill the two requirements.


The "Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partners" and "Excellent HKAEE Promotional Partner" will be granted trophies / certificates in recognition of their substantial efforts for promoting the HKAEE. Their names will also be acknowledged on the HKAEE website.  "Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner" may also have an opportunity to be commended at the Presentation Ceremony of HKAEE.

(Application Deadline: 31 December 2021)

To become “Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner”, please complete the below form. Our technical consultant will further approach you on verifying the details.

(Please tick in the appropriate box or please specify in “others”)

Must be filled in.

1. Assisting in Scheme Promotion

Disseminate HKAEE information to the public or business partners through the following channels (please choose at least three channels):
Company / Organisation mobile app
Company / Organisation website
Corporate publication
Social media
Activities for external parties
Large display screens / advertising panels in shopping malls
Electronic screens at the external wall / lift lobby of buildings
Displaying HKAEE posters in public area within the company / organisation
Distributing relevant leaflets / flyers to the public / visitors / business partners (printed or electronic version)
Offering free venue for HKAEE roving exhibition
Other promotional activities (subject to the Organiser's consideration) (Please specify):


2.Referring Business Partners or Other Companies to Participate in the 2021 HKAEE

Refer three or more companies / organisations to participate in the 2021 HKAEE. The companies / organisations referred should also complete Stage 1 assessment (to be conducted from February to March 2022). There should not be any affiliation between the organisation doing the referral and the organisations being referred. Examples include parent company and its subsidiaries or companies under the same business group, etc.
Company Referral (1)
Company Name * :
Business nature:
Contact Person* :
Telephone Number* :
Company Referral (2)
Company Name * :
Business nature:
Contact Person* :
Telephone Number* :
Company Referral (3)
Company Name * :
Business nature:
Contact Person* :
Telephone Number* :
Company Referral (4)
Company Name :
Business nature:
Contact Person :
Telephone Number :
Company Referral (5)
Company Name :
Business nature:
Contact Person :
Telephone Number :
(If refer more companies / organisations, please email to )

Organisation Profile and Declaration

Organisation Name (Eng)* :

Organisation Name (Chi)* :

Functional Unit (Eng):

Functional Unit (Chi):

Business nature:

Contact Person* :

Designation* :

Telephone* :

Email* :

Our company / organisation has enrolled into 2021 HKAEE
Our company / organisation has won 2019 or 2020 HKAEE Gold Award

How do you learn about the Outstanding Promotional Partner Commendation Scheme? (Can select more than one)
Mass media (e.g. TV and newspaper)
Social Media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram)
Roving exhibitions
Through the Technical Consultant
Referral from another company / organisation (Please specify the name of the company / organisation):
Posters or advertisement 
Official website or eDMs
Experience Sharing Seminars held by the Organiser
Through participation in Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) or Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC)
Through commerce chambers / trade associations (Please specify name of chamber / association)
Others (Please specify):


Verify Code

Please enter the letters below:

Please read the points to note and declaration below before submitting an application.



  1. Organiser reserves the right to reject any application under any circumstances and for any reason.
  2. Organiser reserves under any circumstances the right to change the contents and date of the scheme.
  3. Organiser shall not be held liable to and shall not accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage suffered by Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner, arising from the scheme.
  4. Organiser shall not be held liable to and shall not accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage suffered by Outstanding HKAEE Promotional Partner because of its participation in or withdrawal from the scheme.
  5. The HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy.  You may contact HKPC’s Personal Data controlling Officer for further details.  You have the right to request access to, and amend your personal data in relation to your application. If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to: The personal data collected will be erased or destroyed 24 months after the completion of the assessment of HKAEE each year. 


I hereby declare that the information given above is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and agree that all decisions made by the Organisers of the HKAEE (i.e. Environmental Protection Department and Environmental Campaign Committee and its Secretariat) are final and binding in all aspects relating to the HKAEE. I understand that any false or misleading information may lead to disqualification of my application.

I agree that personal data (including name, phone number and email address) provided by me will be used for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management of my application. I understand if I cannot provide the relevant personal data, processing of my application by the Organisers and the Technical Consultant may be affected.

HKAEE Technical Consultant (Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC) intends to use the personal data (including your name, phone number and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, consultancy services, events and training courses of HKPC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below.

 I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by HKAEE Technical Consultant (HKPC).

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and/or the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and its Secretariat also intend to use the personal data (including your name, phone number and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, policies, activities and schemes of the EPD and /or the ECC. Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below.

 I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by the EPD and/or the ECC and its Secretariat.

Best Green Education Initiative Award (BGEIA)

Aims and Eligibility


The Best Green Education Initiative Award aims to:

  • Encourage schools to develop initiatives in promoting sustainability and/or carbon neutrality;
  • Recognise and gather good exemplars of environmental education practices in the Schools Sector.


  • All registered pre-schools, primary schools and secondary schools under the Education Bureau are eligible to participate in the "2024 Best Green Education Initiative Award".
  • Each applicant school can only submit ONE environmental education initiative to compete for the "2024 Best Green Education Initiative Award" in its sub-sector. Schools participating in more than one school sub-sector are required to submit different environmental education initiatives for each school sub-sector.
  • The Organisers reserve the right of final decision to determine the eligibility of any applicant school.


Winners will be selected from a rigorous assessment process that comprises two stages:

Stage 1: Self-assessment

Participating schools complete a Summary Form through the online portal for the outstanding environmental education initiative conducted between September 2023 and February 2025 (i.e. 2023/24 school year and first term of 2024/25 school year).

Stage 2: Detailed Assessment

Assessors conduct on-site visits at all participating schools that have submitted the Summary Form.




(1) Content

  • Theme and learning objectives (Concepts and issues relevant to sustainability and/or carbon neutrality)
  • Programme details
  • Curriculum integration


(2) Stakeholders involvement and collaboration

  • Involvement of different school members in planning and implementation stages
  • Collaboration among various parties within the school
  • Involvement of parents and/or community members
  • Partnership with other schools and/or external organisations


(3) Design and creativity

  • Activity design and mode of delivery
  • Originality and creativity of the initiative and teaching materials


(4) Outcome and impact

  • Feedback from participants and overall evaluation of learning outcomes
  • Changes in knowledge, attitude and behaviour of participants before and after the activity
  • Outreach impact and the continuity of the initiative





Schools will be awarded with a trophy/certificate as shown below:



Outstanding Award

  • Top three scored schools obtaining a total point of 80 or above from each of the Pre-school, Primary School and Secondary School sub-sectors.
  • Winning schools will receive a trophy at the Awards Presentation Ceremony.

Certificate of Merit

  • Schools obtaining a total point of 60 or above.
  • Schools will receive an electronic certificate as recognition.


For more details of the "2024 Best Green Education Initiative Award", please refer to the guidebook.

You may also visit the Schools Go Green website to get latest updates on the award scheme.